Improved LinkedIn Integration
We have made a significant product decision that enhances your experience with Poked and better aligns with LinkedIn's terms. We have shifted the way our app interacts with LinkedIn; now, every LinkedIn request is directly made from your computer thanks to the Poked Chrome extension.
Enhanced Connection Stability
We have worked diligently to improve the stability of the connection between LinkedIn and the Chrome Extension. This means a more reliable and uninterrupted experience when using Poked.
Meaningful Error Messages
We have reviewed and revamped all error messages in the app to provide clear and actionable guidance. When an issue occurs, you'll now receive error messages that help you understand the problem and provide steps to resolve it.
Full Sync Insights
In the settings page, specifically in the full sync section, you will now see how many connections and conversations have been synced with LinkedIn. Additionally, we explain why some conversations may be ignored, giving you a better understanding of the syncing process.
Dropdown Menu to Access Settings and More
We have added a dropdown menu to the user profile picture icon, making it easier for you to access essential pages. Now, you can quickly navigate to the settings page, changelog, roadmap, and contact support with just a few clicks.
Toast Placement Adjustment
To improve visibility and ensure a seamless user experience, we have changed the placement of the toast notifications to the bottom-right corner of the screen.
  • We have addressed the issue with exporting and bulk tagging when using the "Select All" option.
  • We have fixed a crash that occurred when accessing the settings page in case the full sync was in a failed status.